thai ridgeback temperament

You might also find success with repetitive training sessions that’ll add a sense of routine to his life. They are very loyal to their family and are protective of them. Height: Male: 22-24 inches (56-60 cm) Female: 20-22 inches (51-56 cm) Weight: 51-75 pounds (23-34 kg) Colors: Black . In fact, he’s often given the moniker of escape artist by his owners because of his proficiency in this area; it’s almost uncanny. Thai-ridgeback Welpen, 8 Wochen alt spielen sehr gerne im Garten. Temperament . Temperament and Personality: Personality – The Thai Ridgeback is an extremely loyal dog and makes a very faithful companion. Are there any biting incidents you need to know about? However, a certain source links its lineage to the presently extinct Hottentot dog that was also instrumental in the creation of other breeds of this variety like the Rhodesian Ridgeback (Africa) and Phu Quoc Ridgeback (Vietnam). The dog needs firm owner who can manage it. The American Kennel Club recorded him into their Foundation Stock Service soon after in 1997. But if you’re living in a suburban area where your neighbor's pets roam freely, his high prey drive could cause you all sorts of issues. It’ll also help you start cultivating a plan about how to get them comfortable with their new home. It might be morbid, but this condition can cause life-threatening issues, and it’s better you know ahead of time. Er hat seine Umgebung stets im Blick und er reagiert auf kleinste Veränderungen seines gewohnten Umfelds. Temperament:The temperament of the Thai Ridgeback is independent and loyal. Pariah dogs, as these are known, are dogs that have evolved to live around and colonise cities. In fact, he wasn't yet seen within the United States until 1994. Which is better: Thai Ridgeback or Rhodesian Ridgeback Thai Ridgeback Dogs are prone to dermoid sinus. Eine enge Bindung an den Besitzer ist sehr wichtig! Züchter  in Deutschland finden Sie auf der Website: Temperament / Aktivität. Once you do adopt them, the price will be around $300. Sie werden sehr schnell eine Möglichkeit finden um das nicht richtig abgesicherte Grundstück zu verlassen und dann eigenmächtig auf Jagd zu gehen. Temperament – The Thai Ridgeback bonds very strongly to their owners and family and will react aggressively to strangers. Widerristhöhe (Rüde) 56 - 61 cm. This is a primitive breed which originated in Thailand about 350 years ago, though there is no detailed document regarding the history of its development. (FCI-Gruppe 5, Sektion 7, Standard Nr. Just like his need for constant physical stimulation, the Thai Ridgeback needs a regular source of mental stimulation as well. It can be completely normal or a sign of a health problem. Males weigh around 21-34kg, while females will normally weigh between 16-25kg. Für Anfänger ist diese Hunderasse nicht geeignet. Temperament: Familial. The Thai Ridgeback is an independent thinker who has a mind of his own. But remember, you should change the exercise up every so often to keep him guessing. The higher side of this range could increase significantly depending on the puppy’s family history. BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Tough and active with excellent jumping ability. We breed Thai Ridgebacks for athleticism, temperament, stamina, and drive. Wenn Sie die Website weiter nutzen, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Halten Sie auch nach dem Kauf des Welpen Kontakt zum Züchter und scheuen Sie sich nicht, bei Unklarheiten um Rat zu fragen. These were versatile dogs, used for several purposes like … They tend to chase any small animals they caught their eye on. If you dislike being covered by slobber spots on your clothes, the Thai Ridgeback could be a good choice for you. This dignified, muscular dog, a combination of scenthound and sighthound, needs brisk walking every day and the chance to run as often as possible. Even to this day, he remains almost entirely located in Thailand. People also used it to escort their carts and as a watch dog. As a result, intruders have no chance of sneaking into your home without him noticing. Die Begegnung mit anderen Hunden kann durchaus unschön sein. All of our dogs & pups are family raised to ensure loyalty, great temperament, & socialization to it's new loving family. Rhodesian Ridgeback temperament, personality, training, behavior, pros and cons, advice, and information, by Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Behavioral Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books. Thai Ridgeback Temperament. In other words, he’s an independent thinker who needs an owner who provides consistent, stable leadership. But regardless of what you do, you must set up a meeting at the breeder's facilities before purchasing the puppy. His activities mainly took place in eastern Thailand, but he was spotted in other areas as well: the borders of Cambodia/Vietnam and an island called Dao Phu Quoc. Thai Ridgebacks sind bis 61 cm große, kurzhaarige Hunde mit glattem, weichem, samtigem Fell. Beim Thai Ridgeback handelt sich um einen sehr klugen Hund. Der … 338) aus Thailand. Breed Characteristics; Adaptability: 5 stars. Until recently the Thai Ridgeback was relatively unknown outside of eastern Thailand and is very rare elsewhere. Die Form des Ridges (Haare wachsen entgegengesetzt der normalen Haarwuchsrichtung auf dem Rücken) wird durch 8 Ridgeformen geprägt. Personality – It is an intelligent breed that has mind of its own. Besuchen Sie mit dem Welpen regelmäßig eine Hundeschule und nehmen ihn zu Besuchen bei Freunden und Nachbarn mit. Before making your final decision, you must decide whether your situation is more like the first scenario or the second. Dort wächst das Haar in die entgegengesetzte Richtung zu den übrigen Haaren – der sogenannte Ridge. Es kommen aber auch komplett schwarze oder blaue Zungen, wie beim ChowChow, vor. The Thai Ridgeback’s independent nature makes training them a daunting task for even experienced owners. Der Thai Ridgeback wird im Schweizer Kanton Genf auf der Rasseliste der potentiell gefährlichen Hunderassen geführt; die Haltung ist dort verboten. The Thai Ridgeback is a medium-sized dog with a muscular body, which makes him incredibly agile. About the Thai Ridgeback The Thai Ridgeback is a muscular, medium-sized dog with a streamlined body that makes him very agile and a natural athlete. Die Lebenserwartung liegt bei 12 bis 16 Jahren, es handelt sich beim Thai Ridgeback um eine gesunde Hunderasse. This role is something he takes incredibly serious as he’ll only bark when he senses a threat. For help with training your Thai Ridgeback dog take a look at The Online Dog Trainer by Doggy Dan. And other than those little things, the rest of the grooming requirements fall under general care: One good piece of news for a prospective Thai Ridgeback owner is the breed tends to be relatively healthy. Medium-sized they should have a well-muscled and well-proportioned body. Brown. This trait is quite problematic when it comes to interactions with your other pets such as cats. It’s also helpful that he has a high level of alertness, which ensures nothing goes on without him knowing. Der Thai Ridgeback, offiziell Thailand Ridgeback aber auch Thai Ridgeback Dog genannt, ist ein kräftiger, eleganter, mittelgroßer Hund aus Thailand. Bei Erziehungsfehlern kann sich der TR zu einem aggressiven Hund entwickeln. See more ideas about thai ridgeback, dogs, thai. He needs a lot of physical stimulation of he’ll be a constant source of mischief and trouble in your home. Vor 30+ Tagen. May be difficult to train. Der Thai Ridgeback ist ein Urtyphund und als solcher nicht so angepasst wie viele moderne, durchgezüchtete Rassen. Die Erziehung muss sehr konsequent aber dennoch liebevoll erfolgen. His high IQ also allows him to learn a lot of commands most other breeds can’t. Fehlt diese und der Thailand Rideback fühlt sich bedroht, kann er durchaus agressiv gegenüber Fremden oder seinem Besitzer werden. Males measure 56-61cm, while females stand at 51-56cm. Sein Jagdtrieb ist voll entwickelt und erhalten, seine Beute wird er auch töten. This breed is relatively new to the United States, and there aren’t many reputable breeders around. Im Durchschnitt dürfte der Preis für einen Thai Ridgeback Welpen  bei 1000 Euro + liegen. Your Spitz friend will love you for it. Durchschnittlicher Kaufpreis Welpen. The Thai Ridgeback temperament has a quiet nature, which allows him to be an excellent watchdog. Litter Size: 4-5 puppies: Puppy Price: Average $1600 - $2000 USD . Bei der Lektüre von Erik Zimens Doktorarbeit „Wölfe und Königspudel“ in welcher er das Ethogramm (Verhaltenskatalog) von Wölfen dem von Königspudeln gegenüberstellt, ist mir aufgefallen, dass meine Thais wesentlich mehr mit Wölfen gemeinsam haben, als mit Pudeln. Sie ist eine junge, dynamische, aktive und auch sensible Hündin. Der Unterschied zu anderen Rassehunden ist der Streifen  auf seinem Rücken. Sie... . It’ll mostly just settle on your furniture or a piece of clothing here and there: nothing a lint roller couldn’t quickly disappear. Die Frage nach dem Welpenpreis ist meist die zuerst gestellte. Gewicht (Hündin) 23 - 34 kg. Nothing good will come out of this experience, and you’ll regret the decision not to take him on a walk. Frauen und Männer in allen Farben Können gebucht Werden. Outside of these areas, he was nowhere to be found. Give you the option of buying a puppy without papers for a lower price. Beginnen Sie sehr früh mit der Sozialisierung und halten Sie die Trainingszeiten kurz. But in the right situation, he can be an excellent addition to a home with his fun-loving attitude and loyalty. My Dog Ate Pistachio Shells, Are They Toxic? Es empfiehlt sich also auf jeden Fall den Hund im Auge zu behalten. Lucy ist eine im Mai 2017 geborene, kastrierte Thai Ridgeback Mix Hündin. Da besonders Thai Ridgeback Rüden ein durchaus stattliches Aussehen haben, erscheinen sie eine gute und problemlose Alternative zu einem Listenhund (z.B. Thai ridgeback dog, Welpen schwarze Farbe, geboren am 23.10.2019. Thai ridgeback dog Welpen wurden in meinem Zwinger geboren. The Thai Ridgeback’s character is still easily related back to their old life in Thailand. Er findet fast immer eine Möglichkeit um eigene Wege zu gehen und die Umgebung zu erforschen. As a result, he isn’t the best companion for an owner living in a suburban area. This boredom will make him put his energy into find ways to entertain himself. Copyright © 2011 – 2021 DogTemperament.Com All Rights Reserved, unless otherwise noted. Symptome dieser Erkrankung sind punktförmige Hautveränderungen im Bereich des Kammes. Es kann zu Infektionen kommen. It’s also helpful that he has a high level of alertness, which ensures nothing goes on without him knowing. werbung Der Thai geht schnell zum Angriff über, wenn er Angst vor anderen Hunden hat. Drooling is the unintentional saliva flowing outside of the mouth. Blue. The dog has strong hunting desires. If they do have these certifications, there’s a less risk your puppy will come down with hip dysplasia as they age. Der Mensch hat bei dieser Hunderasse wenig eingegriffen und sie  sind dem Wolf näher als andere Hunderassen. Have you decided the Thai Ridgeback temperament fits your home perfectly? It’ll get rid of all the excess energy that's lying inside of himself. Numerous Thai Ridgeback puppy litters on the property at the same time. The domesticated population is small. They’re precautions to ensure you know what you’re getting into by adopting this dog. And if you don’t provide it, he’ll seek it out himself through doing things like trying to escape. zu sein, dessen Haltung in vielen Teilen des deutschsprachigen Raums unter mehr oder weniger strenge Auflagen gestellt ist. Durchschnittliche Futterkosten/-mengen. It also essential you understand that he does shed all year, but his short coat limits its impact. Does he/she have any issues with certain people such as men, children, or strangers? American Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino usw.) And in some cases, he might have a white patch on his chest. Der Thai geht schnell zum Angriff über, wenn er Angst vor anderen Hunden hat. Er wird seinen Besitzer immer wieder herausfordern um zu testen, wie weit er gehen kann. So wird er lernen, was normal ist und was eine Bedrohung darstellt. Is he/she housetrained. If you want a running or jogging pal, the Thai Ridgeback temperament could be perfect for your household. This role is something he takes incredibly serious as he’ll only bark when he senses a threat. He comes in four colors — red, black, blue (gray), and yellow (fawn) — and he has pigmentation or spots on his tongue, similar to the Chow Chow and the Chinese Shar-Pei. The Thai Ridgeback is a classic example of one of these dogs. But keep in mind he also tends to have a mind of his own. Getting them appropriately socialized is a must as well given their natural distant of all strangers and protective personalities. A daily exercise such as jogging or hiking could do wonders. The Thai Ridgeback is not the ideal dog for the first time dog owner. My Dog Died And I Can’t Stop Crying How Do I Get Over Pet Loss? Protective. Independent. Certain dog breeds drool less than others, just like the Thai Ridgeback. Fehlt diese und der Thailand Rideback fühlt sich bedroht, kann er durchaus agressiv gegenüber Fremden oder seinem Besitzer werden. Thai Ridgeback Temperament. He just needs an owner who can make sure his good traits emerge more often than the problematic ones. Sie ist ein eher unsicherer Hund und bindet sich deshalb eng an ihre Menschen. You also luck out on the bathing requirement as he only needs one once or twice a year. Die Begegnung mit anderen Hunden kann durchaus unschön sein.,, ist eine von der Fédération Cynologique Internationale (, FCI-Gruppe 5, Sektion 7, Standard Nr. The Thai Ridgeback temperament has a quiet nature, which allows him to be an excellent watchdog. And it'll let them know you're interested, which allows the shelter the option to alert you when they do have one. Although it’s a widely held belief that he’s much older; it’s even thought that he might be a Hottentot dog descendant, which could’ve resulted in the existence of the Rhodesian Ridgeback. But this high prey drive does make him an ideal hunting companion with an owner who can control his urges. Sein enormes Sprungvermögen kann Ihre Nerven strapazieren. Compare Thai Ridgeback and Rhodesian Ridgeback and {name3}. Well, you have one more decision to make before finding a suitable one for your household: do you want to buy or adopt? As a result, you should continually add commands onto his training to ensure you’re always giving him something new. Der Hund will überzeugt werden, mit Druck erreichen Sie wenig. If you do, he’ll escape and find something to hunt, which usually means your neighbor's cat or smaller dog. So wie auch der Rhodesian Ridgeback ist der Thai Ridgeback ein sehr sensibler Hund. Loyal. The breed has reproduced in Thailand almost exclusively by natural selection until the very recent past. It is my job as a breeder of these wonderful animals to put out the best representation of the breed. Brindle. They will take their time getting to know new people but will extend their protective bond to familiar faces eventually. Due to its isolation and small degree of human contact, the Thai Ridgeback has always remained an independent and largely undomesticated breed. It'll make sure you have a great handle on your dog’s health. But this protectiveness does make him quite distrustful of people outside of his family. Rüden der Hunderasse erreichen ein Widerristhöhe zwischen 56 und 61 cm, Hündinnen werden normalerweise nicht größer als 56 cm. Modern lines of Thai Ridgeback, resulting from interpopulation crosses, may also be prone to hip dysplasia and other genetic disorders. 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