how much fabric do i need for a quilt

Fortunately, it’s the last piece of math you’ll need to do before getting started on the fun part. It's Easy to Calculate How Much Fabric Is Needed to Make a Quilt. This will provide plenty of fabric for the 60-inch top, 24 inches of overhang on each side and four inches of seam allowances. Then, round up this number to the closest whole number. To help with this process, I have created a quick quilt size chart for easy reference. Press the seam open to keep the backing flat. .Do you need some quick reference charts for all those pesky bits of information such as how . These measurements were taken after the blocks were embroidered and sewn together using a 1/2” seam allowance. Divide the finished size of the block, 9 inches, by the number of rows across or down, three. For a 36in x 50in quilt top, you’ll need 1½yds (54in) of 42in wide fabric, leaving you  with a few extra inches around all edges. Bali Pops, Stone Strips and Roll Ups. The amounts of fabric you will need for a crib-size quilt are 7/8 yard of your print fabric, ½ yard of the lighter fabric, 1-½ yards of one and 2-¼ yards of the other two darker contrasting fabrics. Jelly rolls were originally produced by fabric company Moda, but other companies also make similar bundles with names such as, How to use quilting stencils + machine quilting tips, Binding a quilt by machine – the easy peasy way. Take your desired finish quilt size and divide by your finished block measurement. But don’t worry! They’re actually very useful names, though, as you can be sure you’ll be getting squares or strips of fabric in very specific sizes, designed especially for quilting. When it comes to buying fabric, how do you know how much to get so you’ve got enough but aren’t left with too many scraps? For a longer jacket you need about 2.75 meters (3 yards) of 45 inch wide fabric Approximately four inches should be added to the length and width of the backing fabric for small quilts, and eight inches should be added for large quilts. Before you buy anything, sketch out a design for your project. For example, with a 14-inch drop, a twin quilt typically is 70 inches wide and 90 inches long. For a rectangle, the calculator calculates the yardage to be cut off a bolt of fabric (given the width of fabric entered above). We've put together a simple guide for how to calculate fabric yardage for quilts, including handy standard quilt sizes chart to guide you and inches to cm conversion charts. We’ve got together with the Beginner’s Guide to Quilting, to bring you this handy guide to help plan your project. I didn’t work out the ratio of fabric I needed or wadding etc. You will need the following information: 1. Have another idea to offer? Knowing how much fabric do I need for a quilt backing is actually a little trickier than you may first think. This will give you the number of blocks you need to achieve your desired finished size. If you’d like the convenience and variety of ready-cut patchwork pieces, or don’t need a whole yard of a particular fabric, then you can also buy pre-cut pieces. For an average man, you need about 2 meters (2.18 yards) to make a Blazer/Jacket. Now tension needs to … No shrinkage from batting or quilting (in reality there would be some, but I have no idea what products and quilting Titianmom will use or do) For a twin size, 65" wide, made with 4” blocks the math is: 65 ÷ 4 = 16.25 There’s a list of common UK and US quilt sizes below to get you started, but you can make a quilt in any size you like – you might want to add extra drape around the edges of a standard size, depending on your design. Get DIY project ideas and easy-to-follow crafts to help you spruce up your space. You’ll just need to determine its length, width and border circumference. You should also leave a little extra fabric for seam allowances. Divide 40 inches by 3-7/8 inches, the size of your squares. The answer, 10.32, is the number of 3-7/8 inch. 2.7k. Zoe's our Senior Digital Editor at Gathered, as well as being a powerhouse of quilting knowledge and expertise. Cut the yardage in half and then re-join along the long edges using a slightly larger seam than usual. I have to total amount of fabric I need in inches but I need it in yards. The more complicated your design, the more extra you’ll need for these. When you are laying out your blocks in a random pattern, you can get a general idea of how many blocks of each fabric you’ll need to cut out by dividing your total blocks amount by the number of fabrics you’ve chosen. A bundle of 20 to 40 strips of fabric that each measure 2½x44in. She has published over 350+ articles for The Spruce Crafts. It's a nine-patch design, with three major grids across and three down—nine units in all, even though the lower right block half is made from just one triangle. Decide how much of the quilt top will be made up of quilt blocks, and how much of its size will be taken up by borders and/or sashing. This provides a nice flat surface with even tension on which to quilt. Three lengths of fabric would have a total width of 132 inches. The first thing you need to do is to figure out how large your quilt needs to be – and it’s not as easy as it might seem at first! Texture Magic Conversion Chart How much fabric do you need to get the block. 4 yards of flannel or cotton fabric for the top of the quilt (we used (4) 1-yard cuts of quilting cotton) 4 yards of flannel for the middle of the quilt 4 yards of flannel for the back of the quilt (we used the same color for both the middle and back of the quilt) If you’re not making a bedspread then you’re free to decide on the size of your playmat, wall-hanging or whatever it is. Buying material for a quilt and not sure where to start? Most quilting fabric has a usable width of about 40 inches, often a bit more. We’ve got together with the, A bundle of 20 to 40 strips of fabric that each measure 2½x44in. hen it comes to buying fabric, how do you know how much to get so you’ve got enough but aren’t left with too many scraps? Now divide 30 (the required number of squares) by 10 (the cuts you'll make per strip), making strips required to cut the squares, assuming no waste. Take the total length you need and divide by 36 to calculate how many yards you need. Keep in mind that the instructions below walk you through the layout of this particular quilt block—your blocks will differ. Your last result is how much fabric you will need to make the quilt binding. You’ll probably find it easiest to make your blocks or shapes to a standard size that’s easy to work out, then adjust your border strips to enable your smaller units to fill the width of the quilt. Read our magazines on your phone, tablet or computer. We're here to show you how to work out how much fabric you need. Step 1. If you just need one piece of fabric and it fits into the width of your fabric, you probably don’t even need to be reading this, but we’ll explain just in case! If your quilt is more than about 42 inches wide, which is the typical width of a yard of fabric, you will need to keep in mind that you will have a seam in the backing, unless you use 108” inch wide backing. Using 42in-wide fabric If your quilt top is 42in or less on one side then you’ll only need one length of backing fabric. Each large triangle is three grids high and three grids wide, making for a 9-inch square finished size. If you’re making a bed quilt, this will mean you have to join more than one piece of fabric together to make the final backing piece. Keep in mind that mitered borders require longer strips than butted borders. Now let's figure the yardage requirement for the large green triangles. Most quilting cotton has around 40”-42” of usable fabric, so know that if your fabric is a different width you will need to take that into account. You’ll find most of the fabrics at your local haberdashery come in 42–44in wide bolts. Thank you so very much for writing that if you are sending your quilt to a longarmer add six inches to all sides of your quilt top when calculating your backing fabric. At least 104" x 93" (fits a 78"x80" bed with a 13" drop on three sides, no pillow tuck) 1. So I’m going to take my 112 inches and divide it by 36 (36 inches = 1 yard). Be sure to add fabric for borders if you plan to use them, and decide if borders will be cut along the fabric's straight grain or crosswise grain. When loading a quilt back onto a quilting frame, it is rolled onto two rollers – one at the top of the fabric and one at the bottom. This allows for the fabric reducing (being pulled inwards slightly) once you’ve finished the quilting part of the process (the stage when you stitch through the layers). I'm always looking for simple ways to create – this includes the times when . "How much fabric do I need to make a rag quilt?" For the backing, you will need approximately 2 yards. If you’d like something more lively, or have the option of a reversible quilt, simply opt for a busier print. Sketch it out as you read, or print the image and follow along with the instructions. In addition to the fabric for the pieced top, you'll need fabric for backing (I cut my backings at least 4" bigger than the finished quilt, so you'd need a piece of fabric 49x57" or roughly 1 5/8 yards of 60" wide fabric. Vary the number of borders you sew to the quilt or adjust their widths to suit you. Calculating how much fabric you need to make a quilt is easy once you understand the basics. If you’d prefer to get someone else to do the hard bit, there are seamstresses who offer a long-arm quilting service – this means you send them all the parts of your quilt and they’ll assemble and stitch the quilt together for you with decorative designs. A quarter of a yard of fabric cut from the end of a bolt, so it measures 9x44in. How Much Fabric Do I Need For A Lap Quilt? This means there was 1-1/2″ of extra fabric on each side. Alternatively, pick  a neutral cotton fabric that will complement the colours in the front of your quilt. The answer is 0.32 yard (refer to the decimal conversion above if necessary). Figure out how large the quilt will be, keeping. If you’re buying fabric off a roll  (or ‘bolt’) then you’ll usually buy it  by the yard (36in/91cm) or the metre (100cm/39in). As a longarmer I really need the extra fabric in order to keep the tension and still freely move the machine across the quilt. Using 44-inch-wide Fabric You will need three lengths of 44-inch-wide fabric to make a queen size comforter. The measurements by which fabric is sold can seem a bit baffling when you first hit the shops. This tutorial breaks down the math so that you can make a quilt top any size that you prefer and get an estimate on how much fabric is needed. The calculator will also show for each border how many strips of fabric you need to cut and the overall dimensions of the quilt with all the borders added. This means you can cut larger pieces than you would be able to from a regular (or ‘long’) quarter. This works out to approximately 17.14. What size of squares are you going to cut? This is enough for the length of the quilt. Use the Quilt Size Guides below to see how many blocks you need to make a baby, lap, twin, full/queen, or king-size quilt. Bump up the yardage to compensate for errors or shrinkage during pre-wash—in this case, 1/2 yard. Always buy slightly larger pieces of fabric than the pattern dictates. Check the information on the end of the cardboard tube around which the fabric is wrapped or ask the store to measure it for you so you can be sure how much you’re buying. Since I ended up with 3.1 yards I’m going to bump my final cut up to 3.25 … Jelly rolls were originally produced by fabric company Moda, but other companies also make similar bundles with names such as Try 3 issues of Love Patchwork & Quilting for £5, Never run out of fabric mid-quilt again! Janet is the author of the Rodale book "Classic American Quilt Collection: Stars" and has contributed to dozens of other books and patterns as both a writer and editor. The Spruce Crafts uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. We have quilt calculators, block diagrams, and more. The 60 triangles divided by the two each square yields means 30 squares are required. Follow the same procedure for each part of the block, adding together yardages for like fabrics. Article by Peggy Harvey Branham. You'll need to make some decisions before you can calculate how much fabric is needed for a quilt: A conversion chart is handy for yardage calculations. The answer, 3 inches, is the finished size of each of the nine grids. SAVE up to 78% on US shop price and pay in $$! If your quilt is larger than 42in, for example 59in x 80in, you’ll need 3½yds of 42in wide fabric. In the 110" x 110" example shown above, you would need 9 1/4 yards of standard width fabric but only 3 yards of extra wide fabric. Produced by fabric company Moda, a layer cake is a bundle of 10x10in fabric squares. Basic measurements are included on this quilt size chart to help determine how many quilt blocks are needed to complete your project. No one’s going to claim calculating the amount of fabric you need to make a lap quilt is one of the easiest things in the world. Save up to 82% on your first 3 issues when you subscribe! Also known as a ‘fat roll’, this is a bundle of 20 pre-cut fabric strips that are 5in wide and as long as the width of the fabric bolt (usually 44in). How many quilt blocks you need for each row and column in your patchwork is calculated as the quilt dimension (the number at the top of the column) divided by the Finished Block Size. Now that you’ve mastered determining fabric calculations for your quilt binding, learn how to bind a quilt. If your quilt is larger than 42in, for example 59in x 80in, you’ll need 3½yds of 42in wide fabric. Heather then explains that extra yardage is required around the perimeter of the quilt depending on the type of quilting being done. Usable width of fabric after the selvedge is removed is 40" 1. You’ll need one or more fabric pieces to sew together to make the backing, plus fabric for the quilt top and binding fabric to go around the edges. A yard of fabric is 36 inches long, so divide the length of fabric required, 11-5/8 inches, by 36 inches. The amount of yardage for each border is rounded up to the nearest 1/8 of a yard. Up to 5 borders may be specified with the first border (Border1) being the innermost border. Fat quarters, jelly rolls, charms… it’s a strange way to talk about lengths of material. This is how much fabric you will need to purchase for the quilt binding. This article is an extract from the Beginner’s Guide to Quilting, out now, featuring 49 projects, tutorials and templates for brand new quilters or anyone looking for a skills refresher. It's Easy to Calculate How Much Fabric Is Needed to Make a Quilt. Take a look at our guide to the most common fabric sizes below. Like a skinny jelly roll, a honey bun is a bundle of strips that are 1½in wide and 44in long. Strip pieced when possible 1. Here’s a chart which roughly matches the size of your mattress to the size of the quilt ne… A Quilt blog- Quilting Basics, blocks, quilt alongs plus easy sewing projects and free patterns for beginners. Look at the block's grid. Make a rough sketch on paper or use computer software to draw the quilt. Once you've determined widths and styles, it's easy to calculate border yardage. In general, you always want the backing fabric at least a few inches larger than the quilt top to account for any movement or shifting that can happen during the quilting process. If you think you will need about 5 yards of fabric total, gather 6 or 7 yards worth of scraps. This is only the length of the fabric you’re buying though – the width depends on the width of the roll, which can be a yard wide but is also often 44in (112.5cm) wide, or sometimes a little longer than that. To avoid this, you can buy extra-wide backing fabric in 60in, 90 inch, 108in and 116in widths, but it’s worth noting that the colour and print choices for these are usually more limited. 2. How much Fabric do I need ? We can cut two triangles by dividing a 3-7/8 inch square once diagonally as shown. Once you’ve got an idea of your finished quilt size measurements, you can work out how much fabric you’ll need. For the back of a quilt, plain calico is  a popular choice and is often the cheapest option. 3. The other two solids should be a contrast to the main color. Or you can always just measure a bedspread that you already have and use that as your finished size guide! Most projects come with advice about how much fabric you need for the various parts of your quilt, but if you want to create your own design then calculating how much fabric to buy can seem daunting. How many yards / meters of fabric to make Men’s Jacket ? 9-7/8 inches x the 3 required cuts (even though one need be a partial width) = about 30 inches of fabric. Let's say you want to make 20 identical Birds in the Air quilt blocks like the one shown in the upper right corner of the illustration. Each block has three dark blue 3-7/8 inch half-square triangles: we're making 20 blocks, so multiply that by three per block, making 60 triangles. But don’t worry! Grid size is a 1" finished square (that is the smallest patch I'll work with) 1. Send it me, and I will add it here. You need to take a look at the size of the mattress that you want to use it on, and then make it a bit larger. 20 blocks x 1 triangle per block = 20 triangles, 20 triangles divided by 2 (the number that can be cut from a 9-7/8 inch square) = 10 squares required, 40-inch width of fabric divided by 9-7/8 inches = 4.05, or 4 squares per strip. 112/36 = 3.1. Using 90in-wide fabric If you buy backing fabric that’s 90in wide then you won’t need any joins to make a 59in x 80in quilt, as the width of the backing fabric is enough for the length of the quilt (80in). How many different fabrics are you going to use? 30 inches divided by 36 inches (yard) = 0.83 yard, bump up to 1 yard to allow for shrinkage and provide a bit of excess for squaring up. Cotton fabrics and wadding will shrink when washed, so it’s a good idea to multiply quilt measurements by 1.05 to allow for 5% shrinkage. All nine grids in this block contain half-square triangles, and we must add 7/8 inch to the finished size of a half-square triangle to calculate its cut size, making seam allowances. If you go for this option then you’ll need your backing fabric to be at least 4in larger all round than the quilt top. Borders help you easily adjust the size of your quilt top. Cut the yardage in half and then re-join along the long edges using a slightly larger seam than usual. Quilt Size Chart . A quilt's backing is often made up of one or two large pieces of fabric, and the yardage largely depends on the size of the finished patchwork design. Turnovers are 6in triangles that, when sewn together, make 5x5in squares, so they’re easy to use with charms. Let us explain how to shop with confidence! quilting Quilting 101 Becky 7 years ago January 16, 2016 Share the love! As a result, you’ll only need to buy a 59in length, plus a few inches extra for around the edge of the quilt, for example 1¾yd (63in). My first couple of quilts didn’t go as smoothly as I planned and due to lack of research, I failed. We'll go through the steps a bit more quickly. That’s the number of inches of fabric you need to buy. You also need to look at the height of the bed though, since it will need to cover it all without dragging on the floor too much. For instance, for a quilt that measures about 60 inches x 80 inches, six 10 inch blocks across and eight 10 inch blocks down will fill the space, requiring 48 blocks. If the fabric is 45 inches wide and your finished quilt length with allowance is 132 inches, you’ll need three strips of 3 1/2 yards, or 10 1/2 total yards of fabric. Try this step-by-step tutorial to calculate yardage for your next quilting project. A quarter of a yard of fabric made by cutting half a yard in half across the length to give a piece of cloth that measures 18x22in. Prepare the backing fabric by trimming off the selvedges and pressing. You may have too much in the end, but there is nothing more frustrating than running out of fabric that can’t be bought in the store three-quarters of the way into a labor-intensive quilt top. So if you are using 7 fabric prints, you would divide 120 total blocks by 7. If you’ll be working with lots of blocks made up from many small pieces of fabric, you’ll need to allow for each piece’s seams. Half of a ‘fat quarter’, this is a piece of fabric measuring 9x18in. For example, if your finished quilt width with allowance is 126 inches, you need 3 1/2 yards of fabric to go across it. Most of our fabric is sold in full … For a 36in x 50in quilt top, you’ll need 1½yds (54in) of 42in wide fabric, leaving you with a few extra inches around all edges. Calculate yardage for sashing and cornerstones as you would for any other unit in the quilt. Add 7/8 inch to the finished size for seam allowances, for a cut size of 9-7/8 inches. The number of blocks you will need depends on the quilt size and how large the blocks will be. 10 squares required divided by 4 per strip = 2.5, or 2 strips plus about a half strip, each 9-7/8 inches wide. When joined this way, they make a piece 63in wide by 84in long (less a little for the seam). Just remember that these finished quilt sizes are approximate and can vary 4” – 8”. For Titianmom, I'm calculating yardage for a king size quilt: 1. If you’re making a bedspread, measure the length, width and height of your mattress, then add as much extra fabric as you’d like to allow for the quilt to hang down below the edges. Multiply three strips by 3-7/8 inch (the width of each strip) to make 11-5/8 inch, the total length of fabric required to cut three strips. As a rule, your backing fabric should be at least 2in larger than the size of your quilt top all the way around. By using The Spruce Crafts, you accept our, Figure Yardage Requirements for Another Fabric, How to Make Quilt Sashing With Cornerstones, How to Cut Setting and Corner Triangles for On-Point Quilts, How to Make No-Waste Flying Geese for Quilts, Free Quilt Patterns for Beginning to Experienced Quilters, How to Sew a Carpenter's Star Quilt Block, Definition of a Fat Quarter of Fabric and How It Is Cut. To work out how much fabric you’ll need for the quilt top, draw a sketch of your quilt top design and add in measurements for the different parts. Most projects come with advice about how much fabric you need for the various parts of your quilt, but if you want to create your own design then calculating how much fabric to buy can seem daunting. Oct 30, 2019 - If you have the question, How Much Fabric Do I Need for a Quilt?, then this page has the answers! Some general guidelines on the fabric yardage are as follows. 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