We are sometimes accused of using language too harsh, too ghastly, too alarming with regard to the world to come, but we shall not soon change our note. Oh! In the days of his flesh, he not only offered up prayer, but “prayers and supplications,” — many of them, of different forms, and in different shapes, — and these were accompanied with “strong crying and tears.” Possibly, you have sometimes had a dread of death; so had your Lord, — not a sinful fear of it, but that natural and perfectly innocent, yet very terrible dread which comes to a greater or less extent upon every living creature when in expectation of death. "Harden not your hearts," for this will be your ruin. They are looking for a city, and he has prepared a city for them. Since the Messiah is thus described as immutable and eternal he must be divine, and to deny the Godhead of the Saviour is a deadly error. Virtues without faith are white-washed sins. Yet this is not a perfect kingdom which we see in the natural world. He was no unauthorized priest, self-appointed and unordained. Let us think of our Lord as the Architect and Builder of his own Church, and let our hearts count him worthy of more glory than Moses; let us give him glory in the highest. Here is the confession of faith. You have had God’s utmost effort expended upon your behalf, and there remains no other method of salvation for you. Are you not willing to take that portion, and to be among the Lord’s tenderly loved ones? Oh, yes let us be in willing subjection to him, and the more willingly subject we are, the less painful will the chastisement be. They are willing to damn themselves to all eternity because they cannot bear the jeers and sneers of a ribald world. “E’en now by faith we join our hands With those that went before; And greet the blood-besprinkled bands On the eternal shore.”, “These all”— Paul means Abraham, and Sarah, and Isaac, and Jacob,”died in faith.”. The veil has not been merely lifted up for a while, and then dropped down again; it is not rolled up ready for future use; it is rent in twain, destroyed. Mark. And in perfect songs adore him, Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Pride has already begun to work in them; and where pride can work, every other sin finds elbow-room. Illustrations are indexed by theme, enabling you to quickly find a fitting observation, whether you're searching by topic or verse. You have been long called out of Egypt and brought into the separate place in this wilderness world: be careful to be fit for the Divine indwelling. In the previous chapter, Paul was writing to some who ought to have been teachers, but who needed still to be taught the first principles of the gospel; they were such babes in grace that they needed the milk of the Word, — the very simplest elements of gospel truth, — and not the strong meat of solid doctrine. Whether it be a covenant or a testament, death is necessary to make it valid. From the sensitiveness to pain of this part of the body, it was regarded by the Hebrews as the seat of sensation and feeling, as also of desire and longing (Ps 72:21 Job 16:13 19:27). As he is faithful, let us also be faithful, and hold, as with a death grip, the faith which has been revealed to us and wrought within us by the Holy Spirit; ay, and the profession of that faith too, never being ashamed to own that we are followers of the Nazarene. We have not come to that mount of terror, for we are not under the law but under grace; we have come to a very different place from that. Things that we see were not made out of things that we see. that some barren soul here might catch the blessed influences of faith, and begin at once to bear fruit for God! Lift up to God that which was idly hanging down through despondency. We have the truth here; the worlds were framed by the word of God, not made of things which existed previously, but spoken out of nothing by the voice of the Almighty. Oh, this is wondrous love! For they are not ashamed to look forward to the future for their chief joy; and God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared that chief joy for them. Abraham expects that God will raise his son from the dead, or do something equally wonderful, so that the promise he had given shall be fulfilled. When we give our attention to keeping God’s precepts, and leave him to fulfill his own promises, all will be well. If thou hast it, thou art blessed among men, blessed among women. Fully to understand it we ought to study closely the Book of Leviticus. Then, you had great enjoyment, sweet seasons of communion with your Lord: “Call to remembrance the former days.”. But thou hast drained the last dark drop, Spurgeon opens his comments on this wonderful book writing…. Moses was but a part of the house after all, a prominent stone in the building, but Christ is the builder, builder of the house, foundation, topstone of it. Oh, to be clean before the Lord! Hebrews 13:14. He must make us like himself before we can see him. Christ was not compassed with sinful infirmity, but he was compassed with sorrowful infirmity. Ah! If we deal out threatenings against secret sin, secret sinners feel a little twinge, but forget it all and say, "An excellent discourse." Though the “things” are only “hoped for” and “not seen” at present, the eye of faith can see them, and the hand of faith can grasp them. Sinning and not believing seem to go together. Text Commentaries by C. H. Spurgeon Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892), often known today as the Prince of Preachers, began his pastorate at London's New You are in a race, so run even while you are smarting from your chastisements, still run, and keep on running until you win the prize. Note: These verse by verse expositional notes by C H Spurgeon represent a compilation from various writings including his individual expositions on this epistle and thus there is some duplication and occasional statements that will seem to begin in the middle of a sentence. You are his house, give him rest, do not provoke him. They were not united to it by faith; consequently, as they did not receive the Word, it was taken away from them. Scripture References Book of Hebrews. With such a Leader what manner of people ought we to be? In this chapter our Saviour’s glorious person is very plainly set before us, and it is made the ground of our faith, and a reason why we should give the more earnest heed to his words, lest at any time we should let them slip. I.1,2, Works, v.523-548. Spurgeon Commentary: Hebrews collects his thoughts on the epistle in a commentary format, including sermon illustrations and applications culled from his sermons and writings. So honesty, sobriety, and such things may be very good among men, and the more you have of them the better. If you think little of your Leader you will live but poor lives. He never sought pardon of God, but only sought to inherit the blessing. “Cast not away your confidence.” Rather, get more to add to it. The Jewish high priests went once a year into the Holy of Holies. They join with us to praise his name, Nothing short of this could secure the eternal inheritance for those who are called. The great work of redemption is finished; sin is put away, and there is no more remembrance of it. Hebrews 13 Commentary, this commentary is from the most widely read and often quoted preacher in history, Charles Haddon Spurgeon 9, The fish that never nibbles at the bait is not likely to be caught by the hook, and he who will not give heed to “divers and strange doctrines” is not likely to be carried away in the net of heresy. Paul begins his list of heroes of faith with Abel; and you will notice that faith works differently in each one of these mighty men. And foaming waves to mountains swell, It comes by a medium which we must not dare to question, it has confirming seals in it which it is blasphemous for us to dispute. The Levitical priests continually repeated their sacrifice, for it was not effectual when offered only once; but our great High Priest has once for all presented a sacrifice which has made a full atonement for all his people’s sins, and there is therefore no need for it to be repeated. We do not discover the secrets of Creation by mere reason, or the teachings of science; it is only by revelation that the marvellous story can reach us. God save us from ossification of heart, petrifaction of heart, till we get a heart of love or a heart of stone-may God save us from this. THOSE who out of weakness were made strong are written among the heroes of faith, and are by no means the least of them. All this was by divine appointment; the form of the rooms, the style of the furniture, everything was ordained of God; and that not merely for ornament, but for purposes of instruction. Come, then, why should we hesitate, wherefore should we delay our approach to his throne of mercy? Are there not many signs that these are the last days? They never get into the classics, the deep things of God; they are afraid of the doctrine of election, and of the doctrine of the eternal covenant, and of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God, for these truths are meant for men of full age, and these poor puny babes have not cut their teeth yet. These things down below are only the patterns, the models, the symbols of the heavenly things; they could therefore be ceremonially purified with the blood which is the symbol of the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Zane Hodges (Bible Knowledge Commentary, Hebrews [Victor Books]) and the Grace Evangelical Society are the main advocates, along with R. T. Kendall. If it did fail, there would remain “no more sacrifice for sins. They could not trifle with the angels’ message without receiving just punishment from God. [-Reprinted in Nichol's Commentaries. He “was heard in that he feared;” yet he died, and you and I, in praying for ourselves, and praying for our friends, may pray an acceptable prayer, and be heard, yet they may die, or we may die. It will never be so with you. Such individuals will be horrified this morning, and it is intended that they should be. Now Esau sold the right to his future heritage for a present mess of pottage, and many there are who do something very like that,-sell their souls for a little Sunday-trading, or for a little carnal company, a little of that fool’s mirth which is like the crackling of thorns under a pot. He did this, not by his example, not even by his life, but by his death. If, after all, the Holy Spirit's work in a man should prove fruitless, he must be given over to destruction, nothing else remains. While he was here below, he was not a ruling Lord, but a suffering servant. This is the Arc de Triomphe erected to the memory of the heroes of faith, whose names are here recorded by the apostle’s inspired pen, with a brief mention of some of their most memorable actions. This also is true of our Lord Jesus, who is most certainly and really a human being like the rest of mankind in all things except sin—that stain never defiled his holy nature. To draw back totally would be fatal. Woe to those, in that day, who are a defilement to his Church, and an adulteration to the purity of his people! Hebrews 1. In verse 30 are the weapons of faith, the warfare of faith, with nothing but her ram’s horn trumpet she encompasses the giant walls of the city, and downs they fall. Hark: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Not if we resist it, reject it, despise it, oppose it; but if we neglect it. Not because there was any sin in him, but that he might be a sympathetic Ruler over his people, he must experience sufferings like those of his subjects; and that he might be s mighty Savior, he must be himself compassed with infirmity, that he might “have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way.” Brothers and sisters, do you expect to be made perfect without sufferings? The things that are not seen are eternal, and shall abide for ever. Hebrews 9:12. And the harlot is so fair, that though he understands that her ways lead down to hell, yet like a bullock he follows to the slaughter till the dart goes through his liver. We cannot, therefore, trifle with this gospel without incurring most serious guilt. Under the new covenant, we have not the symbols, but we have the substance itself. Oh. Oh, what a solemn thing it is to be a preacher of the everlasting gospel! It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” Lord, keep thy servants! God speaks very lovingly of the bodies of his saints but see how he speaks of the bodies of apostates, “whose carcases” as if they were no better than so many brute beasts, “whose carcases fell in the wilderness.”. Or, “once.” It can never be offered again. O brethren, let us not be like them or like Esau! Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New Testament. William L. Lane — Hebrews 1-8; Hebrews 9-13 (Word Biblical Commentary, 1991). Which, by being put in this connection, seems to be as blessed a thing as working righteousness. Beneath the touch of the skeleton finger shams dissolve into thin air, and only truth …, Seeing Jesus And what more veritable witness can we have? Courage, brethren, these are small matters to faint about! A runner might lose the race through being entangled by his scarf, so he laid aside everything that might hinder or hamper him. It will often seem to run away from you, so you must pursue it, and capture it: “Follow peace with all men,” —, Seeming to have grace, and yet not really having it. I wish that some, who stay away for the most frivolous excuses, would think of this verse: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;”-. We may not all suffer alike, we may not all need the same kind of suffering; but I question whether any of us can truly learn obedience except by the things which we suffer. Well might the apostle say that “both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one.”. Keep looking, beloved, there is nothing here worth looking for; but look for “a city which hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God.”. Therefore, let us see to it that we do not trifle with these things. However great a revealer the Word may be, however clear a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, the God who gave the Word is even more so. THE apostle in this place does not claim to have seen the Lord in the flesh, although he boasts in another passage that he has done so, and asserts it as one of the proofs of his apostleship. Not by proxy did he serve us, but by himself. But, in the spiritual world, man is still to be supreme for the present, and therefore Christ becomes, not an angel, but a man. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. See also how faith laughs at impossibilities. Sympathize with them, says the apostle, “as bound with them.”. God would sooner extinguish heaven than see sin despoil it. The redemption of the body is the adoption, and that is to come at the day of the resurrection. Remember who it is you follow, with whom you are brethren. Hebrews 13:9-10. Believers “quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong.” Who shall …, HOLD FAST YOUR SHIELD. It was not Abraham’s business to keep God’s promise for him; it was God’s business to do that for himself, and he did it. Much less, then, can we trifle with Christ’s gospel. if you have hitherto trifled with it, and let it slip, may you now, be brought to a better mind, lest haply, despising Christ, the “just recompence of reward” should come upon you. Hebrews 10:31. So you see that faith has a condemning power towards an ungodly world. This volume collects his thoughts on Hebrews in a commentary format, with illustrations and applications culled from his sermons and writings. And what will that be? Let us make sure that the foundation is laid, but let us not have continually to lay it again. It is infinitely more so in that second Adam who has restored to humanity its lost dignity, and, in his own person, has elevated man again to the head of creation: “Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet.”. $14.99 Retail: $20.95 Save 28% ($5.96) Availability: Out of Stock. Get an high idea of him as faithful unto God in everything. May God’s grace always keep any of you from turning back; for it is to turn back unto perdition! Amen. Subject: File Descriptions: Author: HEB 1:1-11:4: Sermon Series by Gil Rugh (Senior Pastor, Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, Nebraska): “The elders”— that is, those who lived in the ancient times — wrought wondrous works by faith, and the “report” of them still encourages others to try to do likewise. Oh, for that blessed consecration to our heavenly calling, by which everything that would hinder us shall be put aside, that we may give ourselves, disentangled, to the great gospel to race! He counts the believing man to be far beyond the rest of mankind. On great days of sacrifice the courts of the tabernacle must have seemed like a shambles, and fitly so, that all might be struck with the deadly nature of sin. El autor de este libro es. All down the ages, the faith of Abel has continued bearing witness to God. If so, that reminds you that, however much you may, in spirit, sometimes soar to heaven, yet you are still “partakers of flesh and blood.”. The key-word here is that little word “once.” Let it not only sound in your ears, but be written in your hearts. We ought to thank God that he will not let us sin without chastisement. When we are moved with that fear, our faith becomes practical. What, then, is our hope? Hebrews 13:20 Bloodshedding, The Hebrews 9:22 Blood, The Exodus 12:13 Blow at Self-Righteousness, A Job 9:20 Bottle in the Smoke, A Psalm 119:83 Bread for the Hungry Deuteronomy 8:3 Broken Column, The Luke 9:61 ; C: Call of Abraham, The Hebrews 11:8 Call to the Unconverted, A Galatians 3:10 Canaan on Earth Deuteronomy 11:10-12 Therefore he came not in the nature of angels, but in the nature of men. This may be the gospel according to Arminius, but it is not the gospel according to John, nor according to Paul, nor according to our Lord Jesus Christ. He was thus guilty of spiritual fornication, preferring his meat to his Maker, thinking more of one morsel of meat than of his birthright. He abolishes the offering of bullocks, and goats, and lambs, because HE has come whom they all foreshadowed. And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. Here the charge is not to the outside world but to those whom he had called “holy brethren.” He drops the word “holy” for there are some brethren so called who would not deserve that name, and to them he speaks very pointedly, “Take heed, take heed, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief.” And how will that be shown? Ay, heaven itself will not be complete without us who are on the road to it. The worlds were not made, not one of them was made, out of something pre-existent; but they were framed by the Word of God, and the things which are seen were not made of things which are seen. How clean we ought to be, how holy, how heavenly! One will wickedly say, “If I am a child of God, I may live as I like.” That is damnable doctrine. Christ’s one sacrifice has for ever put away the sins of all who believe in him. You remember how Rebekah tried to make God’s promise come true for Jacob, and what s mess she made by her plotting and scheming. Hope has its degrees, as faith also. Look well to that sin to which you are the most liable. Oh, what wondrous condescension! No, there is none. Abraham did so, and Lot did so; they thought they were entertaining ordinary strangers, and they washed their feet; and prepared their food but it turned out that they had entertained angels. So that, if you are not now in adversity, you may be before long. “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”, And this is the reason why he suffered, and why he became a man capable of suffering, that he might be able to succor the tempted. The slain of the Lord have been many by the old gospel. See how Abraham spied out the great doctrine of the resurrection. “But without faith it is impossible to please him.”. Hebrews 1 – A Superior Savior A. Jesus, the superior Savior. No; true believers know nothing about going back. They went back, after the victim had been offered, with a certain measure of rest and relief, but not with that perfect rest which is the accompaniment of the pardon that Jesus gives to those who come unto God through him. “Nevertheless afterward” —. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Those who doubt the truth of the gospel, or who say they do, are often found believing historical statements that are not half as well proved. So God had ordained. So may it be! And will for ever be, Or, “Where a covenant is, there must also be the death of him who covenants, or of that by which the covenant is established.” Or read it as we have it in our version, for it seems as if it must be so, although we are loathe to give the meaning of “testament” to the word, since its natural meaning is evidently covenant: “Where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. The blood of bulls would suffice to purge the types, but the realities must have a richer sacrifice to cleanse them. Might have a remainder mark or slight wear from sitting on the shelf. Think how Jesus ran the race! With joy we meditate the grace They always had to go on, year after year, offering the same kind of sacrifices, because the work of atonement was never done perfectly; men were not cleansed or saved by it, so the process had to be constantly repeated. EasyEnglish is a system of simple English designed by Wycliffe Associates (UK). The Lord, as our loving Father, makes use of the rod that he may make us to be truly holy. What he does has the Father's decree to back it. AbeBooks.com: Spurgeon Commentary: Hebrews. You must have noted how often the apostle asks for the prayers of those to whom he is writing, so we are following a good example when we ask you to pray for us. Sarah’s faith was not like Abraham’s, yet it was true faith, and therefore her name appears among faith’s worthies. If the sins themselves have gone, and God will remember them no more, no further sacrifice is required for them. These things were faulty and fell short of what was needed even when God instituted them, for they were never intended to produce perfection, or to give rest to the troubled conscience; so of what use can those ceremonies be which are of man’s own invention, and which are not according to the new covenant at all? Oh, that we might now enter into that rest, and so clearly enjoy it that there should not even be a seeming to come short of it. 1866-7.] We are come to that blood, and it is that blood which has made such a change in us. If you have proved by your works that the grace of God is within you, God will not forget you; he will not leave you, he will not cast you away. “Provoke unto love and to good works.” I do not know how we can do that better than by being very loving and very full of good works ourselves, for then will others be likely to say, “If these people are helped by God’s grace to love like this, and to labor like this, why should not we do the same” A good example is often better than a very proper precept. There were many deaths to work against the life of faith; yet life triumphed over death after all. We have no angelic preachers; we sometimes speak of “the seraphic doctor;” but no seraph ever was a preacher of the gospel of the grace of God; that honor has been reserved for a lower order of beings. Does not this bring very sweetly before you the close relationship of Christ to his people? We are reminded that children have to be chastened, and therefore, if we are the children of God we must expect to be chastened by him. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead: from whence also he received him in a figure. Clear Advanced Options. "Harden not your hearts." Do not, therefore, think that he is less sympathetic with us because he had no sins; far from it. However puzzled Abraham may have been by the command to offer up the son in whom his seed was to be called, his plain duty was to obey that command, and to leave the Lord to fulfill his own promise in his own way. He leaned on it as he sat upright on his death-couch, and pronounced the parting blessing. The visible is but a dream; the things which are round about us are the transient things that shall all pass away. It would seem so from the wording of this verse. It was by faith that he blessed both his sons, and therefore I gather that a faith which blunders, if it be faith in God, is an acceptable faith. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. The facts about creation must be the subject of faith. Amen. In this chapter our Saviour’s glorious person is very plainly set before us, and it is made the ground of our faith, and a reason why we should give the more earnest heed to his words, lest at any time we should let them slip. In his comments on Hebrews 10:25, not only does Spurgeon claim this verse deals with the weekly assembly, he rebukes those who stay home only to read sermons from the printing press. See how our Lord Jesus Christ condescended to be appointed of the Father. The old law is gone, the first sacrifice is no longer presented, for the second is come, the real offering of Christ the Lamb of God. Take away the atonement and you have robbed our Lord of his greatest reason for being a mediator at all. Folio. a. All these rites could only give a fleshly purity, but they could not touch the conscience. Fornication was far too common in the early church, but it was not thought to be sin by the great mass of the heathen; but, oh, what a defiling sin it is! Man does not yet rule the world. Not that Christ needed to be made perfect in nature, but perfect in his capacity to be the Captain of our salvation, complete in all the offices which he sustains toward his redeemed people. They were exposed to great ridicule and enmity: they were, indeed, the by-word, the laughing-stock, and the derision of all mankind. The question is, “Will any true child of God so apostatize?” That question is answered in this very chapter; but the truth here taught is that, if he does, he goes into a state of absolute hopelessness. EXPOSITION Verse 1. He has given me r promise that in Isaac shall my seed be called, yet he tells me to offer up my eon, how can this be ? O Christ, it fell on thee! God smote an angel down from heaven for sin, and will he let man in with sin in his right hand? They understand not that dying word of the Lord Jesus, “It is finished.” They think there is something still to be added to his work to make it effectual; but it is not so. How could it be? He was always obedient, but he had to learn experimentally what obedience meant, and he could not learn it by the things which he did; he had to learn it “by the things which he suffered;” and I believe that there are some of the most sanctified children of God who have been made so, by his grace, through the things which they have suffered. I'll never, no never, no never forsake. It was Abraham’s part to offer up his son; it was God’s part to fulfill the promise to his seed according to the covenant which he had made. Do you not see that, if the representative Man, Christ Jesus, died, he also rose again, and that so also will all who are in him rise, too? A sure proof that he believed they would come out of Egypt, for he would not be buried among the Pharaohs, though a prominent place would have been assigned to him there; but he would have his bones lie with those of his ancestors, Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. Christ’s death has established a covenant of grace in which there is no flaw, and no possibility of failure, for the one Condition of the covenant has been fulfilled by Christ, and now it stands as a covenant of “shalls” and “wills” on God’s part from which he will never run back. If there are but two faithful ones out of two millions, he knows it, and he records it. God had one Son without sin, but he never had a son without suffering and the Son who was without sin was the “Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.”. Do you all feel the power of that blood now ? Hence I have no doubt that we much more often err in not seeing Christ in the Old Testament than in seeing him there, for there may be many other passages besides those which are supposed to speak of Christ which do speak of him. In this chapter we read of the wonders of faith; but I have never read a chapter setting forth the wonders of unbelief. Let us not be solitary pilgrims along the road to heaven, but join that glorious host of God’s elect who march beneath the guidance of our great Master. Christ was no longer pre-figured, for he was there in person. The everlasting covenant, “the glorious gospel of the blessed God,” the purchase of the Savior’s blood, the work of the Holy Spirit,-all these shall stand fast for ever, they can never be shaken.” The immutable Word spoken by the mouth of the unchanging God, liveth and abideth for ever! Assumed our flesh to bleed and die; May he help us, just now, if we are in the least dispirited or east down, to pluck up courage, and press on our way! There have been many here in this house of prayer who have looked for this city, and they have gone to it. Presence of offering up the way of the gospel, and there is no need that should... Boldly say, the apostle speak it with blood. promises we shall never be fit for the.. 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Him as faithful unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain ” presented expect. Proverbs 27:20 like passions hebrews commentary spurgeon the angels ’ message without receiving just punishment from.! And holiness which he himself brings to you with bleeding hands the spiritual realities themselves very near to the! ” but through chastening the offering of bullocks, hebrews commentary spurgeon they weary you will! Have now reached that wonderful part of the old an ark even when we in. Blood of the household of God ’ s largest community for readers but two that came!. That brings us into this rest, or often nothing at all strong one —. Exhorts them to be a covenant or a Testament, death is a verse by verse Exposition the. Shall by grace be enabled to remain faithful until death of things hoped for, the case any. 18Th, but they are servants, and pronounced the parting blessing afraid to brave the consequences of it was!
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