Hope to hear from you. The apostle Paul used five different Greek words in God’s word to describe spiritual gifting or gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1-7). In the past, dead people were raised to life so also have I seen it in our time and generation amongst other signs and display of the Holy ghost. The bible teaches us about nine manifestation gifts that are used to build up the body of Christ. Please explain what you mean by “No believer in Christ has any gift of the Spirit”, also you may want to check some of your scripture references. Ross Tooley (Y.W.A.M.) God definitely does have a sense of humor. I would be a lost sheep with out you Jack. Jack has written 1104 articles on What Christians Want To Know! Do all work miracles? What source did you find to say that these men talked about tongues as necessary? May I remain as humble because God is opposed (literal translation “at war with”) to the proud but gives grace only to the humble…like you sir. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. HOW to respond to such a sin as adultery has to be by HIS ordained wisdom which we are to search out. Since I learned that the thoughts that came to mind which were scripture were actually the way that the Spirit of GOD ‘spoke ‘ to me and that the whole word of GOD is God’s VOICE in how HE teaches us by His spirit then I became free of the way others’ who seemed to have more authority were my teachers. But God had me teach the church that the unholy trinity of “me, myself, and I” is one of the greatest things that hinders our walk with God. Interpretation is paramount, and can only be done through the Spirit of the living God. I Love You My Brother and may God richly bless you. In His teachings Jesus often said “he who has ears to hear, let him hear” and as believers ask in faith they will be given ears to hear. I like that thought. Also the fact they have no interpreters is not biblical. Please let’s stop limiting our God we put him in a box and he’s bigger than a box. Special thanks goes to Rev. Frank Skierski (U.S.A.) praying for broken down machinery. I have meant some Brothers in Christ who did not want to have anything to do with “speaking with new tongues”. It is not for ‘entertainment’ that discernment was provided to those who are willing to obey Him but for preservation and for continuing to walk and live IN HIM. “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to … I was water baptized in the year 1993 on October 25. For instance the young lady who shared the gospel with me to be saved did not “speak with tongues” but there was a power being manifested through her that kept me from walking away from her, because I did not want to listen to what she was saying. Counselling situations: discerning the genuine from the dishonest (truth from lies). For one, I have experienced it so many times in my church. The other thing that pops into my head is you Jack I don`t know what for or why? I believe she is wrong, not based on what I think but according to what the Bible says and that’s the most important opinion of all for it’s God’s opinion that counts. Other times, Ministers and those who are currently being used by God for something, have been attacked spiritually in such ways. About a couple of years ago I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden I was talking something like the people have said on this post. Hello Anthony. Read them in the archive below. His meteoric rise in the financial industry ripped him away from his growing in the Lord. This Gift is for the discerning of good spirits more than the evil spirits. Even with the deep sorrow and pain that the discovery of his adultery and his deliberately planning and having children with the OW who did not want marriage OR even children for loves sake but only for the support money as we see her not keeping her responsibilities to them now ….I tried to go to the Lord FIRST and study how I needed to deal with this . There is zero Scriptural support for what this daughter of the pastor is doing. The Distribution of the Gifts 1 Corinthians 8:6, Romans 11:36 and Hebrews 2:10 show God the Father to be the source of the gifts; Ephesians 4:8 identifies the Lord Yeshua as the giver of the gifts; and 1 Corinthians 12:4,11 and 18 name the Holy Spirit as the distributor of the varieties of gifts. I believe this is when they were born again and received the indwelling of the Spirit. This truly blessed my soul on today. If they were then there were be people listening who spoke a different language than theirs and those people would understand them. The second church I attend everyone is very friendly. I am going to this church which is closed all the time I pass,and it gets used for voting ballet for an election. He told me that the love of God shed abroad in my in is a love from God and a love for God. I also had a strong aptitude for Mercy on both. You are the Barnabas-type if ever there was one and an encouragement which I believe is so desperately needed in the church, yes even in the unsaved world, today and is in such short supply yet in great demand. (Matthew 17:27). Glad to be of any help Pastor. Or when we laid the hand on these infants [new believers], did each one of you look to see whether they would speak with tongues, and, when he saw that they did not speak with tongues, was any of you so wrong-minded as to say, ‘These have not received the Holy Ghost; for, had they received, they would speak with tongues as was the case in those times?’. That is for the good of all. He told me to keep that love alive and active what I had to do was declare that love every day all during the day. As I was working up the courage to do what I knew I had to do, I felt in my presence beside me, the Holy Spirit. when I told my dad about the mans voice he said I wished satan had not got kicked out of heaven eather the world would be a better place if he had not sined . Also, bigger sometimes produces pride. I found verses I’d never seen before or simply skimmed over. Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit Definitions The Revelatory Gifts. While the Spirit spoke through me in what sounded to me as an unknown language, my husband understood what I was saying in his native language, spanish. I love the grace and humility you have my friend. The man thrown out of the meeting in Ruatahuna, N.Z. If you know that then you are doing well indeed over many that I counsel. Fear is simply standing in awe of God in reverence and respect. As you continue to faithfully follow God’s instruction the closer you will be to Jesus Christ (John 14:23). God has given all believers gifts; some have several but everyone has these gifts. I could go on to share with you details of my grandmother who refused to believe and accept the gospel when I was saved, and she was in her late 80’s, but became a Christian at age 105. Why I pop into your head…that’s a scary thought…I will pray that doesn’t happen too often. This has been a long time in coming to my understanding over the years as I also listened to hear what others who said they loved GOD would share …some were correct , other’s just sounded good , and some solicited my yearning for something l already liked and thought was godly by teaching what I liked was ‘good’ when later I learned it was harmful! I am not limiting God or putting Him in a box. Work alongside people who are already flowing well in the Gifts. I do agree that seminary alone is not enough and too many have attended liberal seminaries. This is called ‘standing ‘ for one’s covenant marriage I believe. If you know someone who has the gift of healing, then get a camera, head to the hospitals and children’s cancer wards and empty them…and then I will believe. The word had much to offer but in my state of sorrow and grief and the incomprehensible reality of my husband’s long term life lived in deceit I did not feel equipped to know what was it that was ‘normal’ for a believer in such a situtation. I know that many times I tried to get him to realize the importance of his own influence among others and especially his family. It was also a sign in those early days of the ministry, so that the disciples would be assured that their message and the subsequent embodiment of the Holy Spirit was taking place. Is it possible for certain people to have gifts of hearing voiices and seeing spirits? The Holy Spirit guides believers into truth. James said that a faith with no works is a dead faith, or not genuine saving faith at all (James 2:14-16). In acts chp 2 when they received the Holy Spirit peter said this is what the prophet joel said would come to pass in the last days so we must assume the last days started back then but he goes on to mention in the 20th verse all the way up to the great and notable day of the lord the second comeing of the lord so if I am understanding him he is saying he will pour his spirit out upon all flesh up until that time .in verse 33 this is what you now see and hear if joels prophesy started there at pentacost and reaches all the way till the lord comes back and that’s what they were seeing and hearing then they still should be seeing and hearing today joels prophesy . When it ended my voice was gone, I was gasping for air, coughing, and wheezing very loud. To affect unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:24). Can you write down some of the gifts God has used you to bless others, say in the last two years? How can you know that you have particular gifts of the Spirit? The Holy Spirit will see to me. I was saved at the age of 4 and yearned to receive the gift of speaking in tongues since I was around 12. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. thankyouu so much and I apologise for my English. Those who call themselves apostles have no such authority given by God and they are self-designated only, thusly disqualifying themselves as a true apostle. Walking in the way the Word teaches by His Spirit IS the necessary state by which we will find fulfillment and satisfaction in any situation. I often tried to tell him ‘I did not get married to be alone and to go everywhere alone’ he did not respond to this ..He was too involved with work and the OW …and finally she urged him to ‘give her children ‘ since she had ‘ used up her time to meet anyone else”! I have read a couple of your articles, found a link to your archive and plan to read many more! I am not sure why they don’t download but you can copy the link for each of these messages to a document or to your favorites in your browser or just go back and listen when you can. Are you satisfied with the way you flowed in those gifts? If you know of someone that you know of or have heard of that a shadow of theirs can still heal by passing over them, I would love to have them come to our local cancer hospital for children. Then He gave me the verses from Mark 16 to share with her. 1 Corinthians 12 is Paul talking about all the spiritual gifts. I so much appreciate and thank God that there are still believers like you and Cynthia that are desiring to bring glory to God and Jesus Christ specifically and that there are such men and women of faith like you two…you inspire me, encourage me, and build me up by such words. I agree with most of what you teach, but some things I don’t believe you have a true spiritual understanding of. The oldest told him she hates christians. I pray you not only seek and discover your gifts but that you utilize them to the strengthening of the Body of Christ, for which you are a part. Satisfied by the compilation on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some say it is THE evidence by the real fruit is evidence to me and that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit revealed in Galatians 5 and Jesus said you shall know them by their fruits, not by their gifts and by their love for one another and Jesus said in John that “by this (love) all men will know)” and He never indicated the evidence was by gifts but by the fruits of the Spirit. I replied ( In Agony) what if I don`t go down,he replied you will probably die,and I said all right then I will probably die (No disrespect to the Consultant) Pro 7:1 My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee. Do not be afraid to do what the Holy Spirit gives you to do. Time and again, I would receive confirmation that tongues was an edification for the person, not God, and served no valid purpose in the way it is practiced by various Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. today can I wake with the my live god I was able to teach them that taking up our cross and following Jesus was the way to get rid of that “unholy trinity”. 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength, Words of Encouragement: 30 Uplifting Quotes. Bible Study, Early in my walk I used to go with a friend of mine upon her invitation to a fellowship she raved about because the word was being taught….but every time as we drived to the fellowship I sat in the back and obeserved her husbands harsh and snide treatment of her. They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. Someone has said there were only one-third of the angels who fell from heaven with Lucifer, which means that two-thirds are still on God's good side. There is no gift like what you mentioned anywhere in the Bible, so I fear it could be an evil spirit inhabiting her. Ordered chest and throat xray which were clear. It appears to me that you are looking through a glass darkly and trying to explain the gifts of the Spirit in a way that we can understand naturally. Then at the end music will be in the background and I have noticed the pastor really glamorizes about speaking in tongues and about the holy ghost. In ad 150 Justin martyr made this statement that there were men and woman among them who possess the gifts of the spirit of god for the propetical gifts remain with us even to this present day . We have the same Holy Spirit as the first brothers and God does not change He said we would do greater works not less and we need His gifts and power today more than ever before. He made me didn’t he!? That was a break through moment in my faith walk. I had been feeling distressed and anxious about my life for a while. This is where the false teachers take advantage for their own agendas. The act glorified God and brought many to a believing faith in Jesus. One new one he shared was Acts 10:45, 46 in which Cornelius (a gentile) and his household received the Holy Spirit and burst out speaking in tongues. 2. I encourage you to seek further with the Lord; experiencing these gifts are too wonderful to pass up! In the laying on of hands now, that persons may receive the Holy Ghost, do we look that they should speak with tongues? 3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus [] accursed, and () no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. God can heal anyone He wants and He can use anyone He wants but He never promises to heal everyone at every time, everywhere. This caused much confusion. Psalm 37 is based upon God granting us the desires of our heart if our delight is in Him. God Bless, PJ. I am sure that if you have tongues as a private gift, you still have one or two more gifts that fall into the catagory of Gifts of the Spirit which are still needed and used validly within the church today! Well I will let you know Jack how I get on this Sunday. I just wanted to share what I have found out on tongues and how the Spirit, I felt, led me to a definitive answer. I agree, Pastor Jack. No one, as you say, can dispute this because it is objective testimony to the work of God in your life. 13:1-2) and states that the Lord Jesus had revealed to him (1 Cor. Can others give us an indication of what our gift is? Some say so citing the way we are to separate ourselves from unbelievers and unrepentant …all the while forgiving and leaving the door open for repentance. Believers are learning to realize the way this works that we might continue to have hope in Christ and all He has promised and to live by faith which HE provides and strengthens as we obey Him. The next gift is that of prophecy (v 10). DO you consider this is a gift? I continued to fake it, questioning the depth of my faith and why the Spirit was not giving me this gift. Finally the fact that many times they are in a frenzy and babbling in no actual language is not biblical, not of God, and sometimes possibly of the enemy not God! The person that hit me was so scared and looked as if he was about to have a coronary of his own, i assured him that i was fine and not to worry, that he could go home. This gift was more prominent in the New Testament church to confirm that Jesus Christ’s name had power and that God was working in the church. Lawlessness. The Gift of Fortitude is also known as the Gift of Courage. That is the real evidence of conversion, right? What is in Galatians is fruit of the Spirit, not gifts. Jesus would tell the person who was healed to tell no one about it, but today “miracle healings “ are on TV, posted on You Tube, and flaunted by some ministries, but most say nothing about the gospel of the kingdom of God, which Jesus said includes repentance and faith (Mark 1:14-15), or about the fruits of the Spirit. I don,t speak in tongues all the time I pray in English most of the time . Hello cat I know what you are talking about Just when you think you have satan figured out he comes at you at a different angle . Are there people that speak in tongues today? Of course, many can not have it either. What we often observe on the platforms of those who display ‘gifts’ seems to belie the source as questionable…. I’ll be praying for you and although I realize you posted this a year ago, I hope that it helps someone. Jesus must have planned it for me Jack also being on this site it wouldn`t have happened. 5 There are different ministries, but the same Lord.… Then tells me that it is not understood that putting in an airway on asthmatics who have closed up is not easy and not always possible. To ‘bring together’ speaks of when the two decide to choose one another and make that life long commitment …there is NO divorce by mankind that may break that covenant. What does the believer do with these gifts in the church? Agree? The Holy spirit is a gift from the father and Jesus to every born again child of god . I am very pleased to read that your exhortation encourages those who believe and want to learn from GOD in how they might be assured that they will be led by Him . Yes, God’s Word over feelings. My study led me to this same conclusion. It wouldn’t be okay to rule out the possibility of the Holy spirit healing people through their shadows. That is, many verses are prescriptive and some are descriptive. so we have to come to this conclusion the tongues that the churches speak in today are eather false or they are very true . The key point of being aware of these things in your life is to ask God what He is showing you and to not seek what the enemy is up to. We can preach in any language needed either because we have ministers of all nationalities and in most every country, or we can use interpreters. Or if an unbeliever would come into a meeting with several people speaking in tongues they would think the church was a bunch of lunatics. Tongues spoken of in 1st Cor Bible actually teaches on gifts, but at the of. 14 says that we have to divorce or they ‘ can ’ divorce like so many imperfections in my.! Knocked down but the same Spirit gives you to bless others through the inspiration of the loaves and fish different. Are trusting in their fullness to Christ by it ( John 1:45-51 ) ( Acts 9,22 26. 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